How to Write Right,
Started Jan 19, 2012 (Ongoing), typewritten text on paper
How to Write Right is a daily 5 minute writing exercise where I type the interior pages from Sylvan Barnet's A Short Guide to Writing About Art (fifth edition- the Magritte cover). These writings are part of TOM SANE'S 10% which is a daily practice in the spirit of Little Hours and carried out at the 10% point* of each day.
The writing activity is part of my morning routine much like walking the dog or making tea. I'm typing on a Smith-Corona Galaxie Deluxe. It's a manual machine.
As typed pages are finished I will scan and post them here so you can see the progress in my writing over time. The most recent page starts at the top left.
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* For my purposes the extents of the day are defined by local daily sunrise and sunset times. On this timeline 10% varies daily, occuring roughly between 7 and 8 AM throughout the year.