Kyle Schlie, 1980- , American entrepreneur, artist, and publisher, has been a pioneer on several fronts. He owned and operated his first business when he was ten. More recently, after implementing a radical vision and restructuring the J.T. Baker Chemical Company from 2012-2014, he founded the Globe Al Chemical Company. He concurrently serves as director for SPARE, W.A.S.T.E., Healthy Mgmt, and Let's Try It. He lectures on economic issues, communication styles, and business protocols. He has a long list of awards. His support of charities and nonprofits is well known, most notably his insistence on supporting artist parents which led to his formation of S.A.C.K. of which he is an active participant to this day. Schlie holds degrees in architecture, environmental design, fine art, and an honorary doctorate from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.